Loresmyth is taking a break

Loresmyth is taking a break

Hello dear fellow Loresmyths, 

After a marathon 6 years from the start, I have decided it is time for me to take a break from Loresmyth. This means we don't have plans to launch any new Kickstarter projects soon, and are taking some time to go on a sabbatical. Read on for the full story. 

Fantastic Achievements

Over the past years, Loresmyth has made a name for itself in the tabletop roleplaying game space, and I am very proud of that fact. I'd like to thank all our customers and Kickstarter backers for supporting what we do. In no small part, your dedicated support has helped build our brand of roleplaying products. 

Looking back, it is quite amazing some of the milestones we achieved: 

  • 10+ Kickstarters launched and funded in 5 years
  • Raised over 700.000 euro on Kickstarter
  • Over 15 roleplaying books/card decks produced and released
  • Sold and fulfilled to customers in over 70+ countries
  • Inspired and helped other creators get their break in the industry

Perhaps our most biggest breakthrough came in May 2017 when I kickstarted Remarkable Inns. I had very little experience at the time and was completely oblivious to the fact it would become such a phenomenon. This sparked our most successful book series to date; the Remarkable game master guides

Since, our Kickstarters kept growing bigger and bigger, with the most-funded project being Remarkable Cults & Their Followers with 193.000 euro raised. 

Covid and the War in Ukraine

The last couple of years have been very difficult for small upcoming companies, and it has been very taxing on my personal life, mental health and it made me realise I needed some time to rest and recharge.

Initially covid seemed to bring positives, with people at home spending online, which resulted in a momentary boost in sales. Soon came the downsides with massive price increases in raw materials (paper, cardboard) and shipping, warehousing and almost everything you can imagine.

Supply chains worldwide got disrupted and for the longest time it was impossible to predict when you could manufacture books, or at what cost. This turned planning Kickstarter projects and paying bills from something normal into a dreadful ordeal, where you were never sure what you were "getting yourself into". Suddenly I found myself 'gambling' with hundreds of thousands of dollars, where before I could accurately plan and forecast projects with relative ease. 

When Russia invaded Ukraine, this added even more strain to what was already a very disrupted market, and it only complicated things further. Since one of our key manufacturers is in Poland, things got really, really close to home for us. 

Taking a Break

All of the above resulted in some serious mental and financial pressure, which at times was very difficult. I made the difficult decision to stop Loresmyth for a period so I could recharge the batteries. I want to thank all my customers and Kickstarter backers once more for the hundreds of kind and heartwarming messages I've received! ❤️

Finishing Up & Clearing Out Existing Product Stock

Right now I am in the process of finishing up the "loose" ends, such as fulfilling our latest kickstarter project Remarkable Guilds & Their Wares. This book is arriving at our warehouses soon, upon which pledge fulfilment can start. 

I am also selling off existing product stock that is sitting in our international warehouses, to clear space and mark a new beginning. This means the coming months may be the last time ever that you can still purchase some of these products listed below. After that it is unsure we will reprint these items again: 

  • Remarkable Inns & Their Drinks (softcover, hardcover) 
  • Remarkable Shops & Their Wares (softcover, hardcover) 
  • Remarkable Cults & Their Followers (softcover, hardcover) 
  • Wondrous Expeditions Forests (softcover, hardcover) 
  • Wondrous Expeditions Forests, Pocket Guide (hardcover) 
  • Wondrous Expeditions Forests, Card Deck
  • Heroic Challenges starter box set
  • Heroic Challenges expansion card sets
  • Dungeon Discoveries card decks (all variants) 
  • The Claws of Madness adventure module
  • Whispers from the Void adventure module

Our webshop will remain active for now, so you can still buy our products if you like. 

Customer Support

If you have any questions, please mail to support@loresmyth.com to create a ticket we can track and respond to. Response times can take up to a week at this moment. We will have normal fast response times again when we are back fulltime.  You can also chat on Discord to get answers to common FAQ from our community. 

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Hey, wat heftig. Maar ik heb net een vergeleken met jullie kleine kickstarter gedraait in deze tijden en ik kan zeggen: ik snap je beslissing. Het zijn echt pittige tijden en ook hier had zo’n project flinke weerslag op mijn privéleven.
Ik wens jullie niets dan goeds en hoewel ik hoop nog veel mooie producten van jullie te zien, hoop ik nog meer dat je weer rust en plezier vindt ♥️🍀
Het aller-, allerbeste!!
Groeten, Frank

Frank Lubbers

While I am sad to hear this news, I know it’s for the best. So I wish to express many thanks for all the wonderful things you’ve made, best wishes for a restful and much needed break, and never-ending hope we have not seen the last of Loresmyth.

Rui aka Ariamus

You are awesome! Take the time you need to recharge and decide your path forward. I have been involved with D&D since the 70’s and the content that you and your team has created is some of the best I have seen. Hope you come back and create more content, if not you have made a positive contribution to the genre. Terry


You have done amazing work in very difficult times. Take your rest and enjoy. We will be here to support you when you come back refreshed and recharged.


It has been amazing to see what you have produced over these last few years and have loved every one of your products. I am sure that all of us will be waiting for Loresmyth to reappear in the future. Take a good break and enjoy life for a while, you definitely deserve it!


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