Remarkable Guilds Passes 75k on Day Two

Remarkable Guilds Passes 75k on Day Two

Our Remarkable Guilds & Their Heroes crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter has raised over 75.000 euro on its second day, and continues to go strong. Reaching its initial funding goal within 30 minutes, this is the fastest funded campaign to date for Loresmyth. What is going to happen next?

The Guilds crowdfunding campaign will run for another 27 days (at the time of writing) and we are about halfway of unlocking all stretch goals. We have no doubt you are aware of our brand-new book in development, but if you have missed it, Remarkable Guilds is a system-neutral source guide for game masters, that helps you create and roleplay heroic guilds in fantasy games. It is the 4th instalment in our popular Remarkable book series, you may know (or own!) Inns and Shops for example.

Pledge Now

Be sure to check out the Guilds kickstarter page as we are revealing previews weekly, such as the ten unique Guilds featured in this book. If you have not backed this project yet, go check it out now and see what the hype is all about!

Remarkable Cults - Light & Dark

Many of you have backed our Remarkable Cults & Their Followers Kickstarter last year, and are excited about Guilds, which is in many ways a direct "sequel" to the Cults book. Remarkable Cults brings you a tome of roleplaying information on dark, evil factions, where Guilds brings the heroes of light. These books will pair great together once finished, and that's why we offer them in a cool pledge bundle together. Dark facing off against the light!

The Remarkable Cults book is available now through our shop as well, but keep in mind we are first sending this out to our backers, before starting order deliveries to web customers. Global supply chain issues continue to hurt our ability to deliver as fast as we like, thank you for your patience!

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Join the Loresmyth Discord

We have a lively discussion going on at the Loresmyth Discord and its a fun place to hang out if you like what we do and roleplaying in general. Perhaps we can chat there? Bon voyage!

best wishes,

Chris van der Linden

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1 comment

Can’t wait till I receive the current and previous book. Loving and often referencing materials from the first 2 books in my campaign, so I am sure that Remarkable Cults & Remarkable Guilds will be used at least as much as your previous titles ;) Keep on going and keep on creating these great materials.


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